Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring? Is That You?

I've talked in here about how much I despise the sun and absolutely love the winter but because the weather has been warming up here in sunny California I've been forced to notice some good things about Spring/Summer:
  1. Great hair days: dry, warm and windy = prime hair conditions.
  2. The inexplicable desire to eat fruit and move more.
  3. Deep breathing of fresh air.
  4. Cleaning out the cobwebs and junk collected during the winter months.
  5. Unclogage of artist's block.
So, as far as the new things month goes...I tried it all...but uh...the only thing I really accomplished was #3, Dress more springy. I just need a little longer. I'm giving myself an extension. An indefinite extension.


I discovered some batteries (because I did #4 to my room) for my dead camera. This is an ink drawing I did for a minor portrait assignment in portrait drawing. It's a slightly modified copy of a Charles Dana Gibson illustration. The floating heads will be fixed, haha.

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