Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's Cold Outside (!)

As a chronically lazy knitter, I'm always looking for high impact, low velocity patterns which makes me a knitting book/magazine hunter. Something I've noticed: if the words "Chic" or "Trendy" are in the title, chances are the book is neither chic nor trendy, just lame.

Today, I took my first venture into the outside world as a licensed driver, I went to Starbucks. Fitting, no? I blasted my favorite driving song and sang at the top of my lungs (while staying alert and defensive, of course). I stayed embarrassingly close to home. Tomorrow, I solo it on the freeway.

My mom and I spent the day antiquing downtown. You know, it's always the times you don't have a camera that the most photo opportunities happen. There were at least 50. We have a very historical town and today there was a stage coach driving around with some people dressed in 1850s period costumes. It was cool and I missed it but this will never happen again.

Something funny: when my mom worked at the school, she was with the kids at a back table in the classroom, and she took out her chapstick from her pocket and started to rub it on her lips. The kids looked at her like she was crazy. She wondered why and looked down at her chapstick which, in fact, was glue.

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