Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shall I or Shant I, or, Some Rotton Milk

So. I borrowed the first two books of the Twilight series from a couple friends. I'm hesitant to start reading it because if everyone else in the world is any indication I'll be completely obsessed for at least the duration of the series. If neighbour is any indication, I'll be obsessed far beyond the fourth book and will start Googling and YouTubing any and all obscure reference to the series. I've already got one of those (Stargate).

Today I consumed some severely expired milk. You see, I have finally contracted that cold I've been trying to get for the past month. I didn't, however, bargain on it affecting my cognitive functions and rendering my sense of space and time completely useless. I thought it was the 20th, not the 27th which explains why the milk smelled a bit and tasted suspicious. Well, at least it wasn't bad enough to make me sick.

I'm not getting the sympathy I had hoped from this cold. My mom was the one who gave it to me so she's done. She's through with this whole situation and anything involving germs, which incidentally, is me. Dramatic sob. I'm seeking comfort in other things like toast and apple cinnamon oatmeal. Now accepting donations.


neighboUr said...

hhhhhhhhhh pathetic, you didn't sound sick on the phone you...phony!

Ashely said...

PHONY?! Pardon me, dear readers, while i continue this conversation in HER territory...